“ | Now the REAL party starts! The whole galaxy will dance for me! | „ |
~ Purge, Space Channel 5: Part 2. |
Purge is the main antagonist of Space Channel 5: Part 2. He is the leader of the dancing group the Rhythm Rogues, consisting of himself, his robots, and his henchman Shadow. He plans on making the galaxy happy through dance.
Character Info[]
Purge is 18 years old and his blood type is A.[2] Purge is quite skilled with mechanics and also takes a great interest in robotics, evidenced by him creating an entire dance gang of them. In fact, he grew up surrounded by them[3] and designed the Black Walkers when he was just nine years old.[4] Even at this young age, Purge seemingly desired authority over others as he designed the Black Walkers without an emotion simulator so they would obey his commands without question.[4] That being said, he views the robots created more like his own children than he does as his minions.[5]
At certain points in the game, Purge is revealed to be able to use Dance Energy similar to Ulala, even getting his own "Groove Aura". His is blue, with electricity surrounding it.
Purge is a young man with pale skin who stands shorter than Ulala. He has pale lilac, almost white hair, styled in a spiky fashion. The front, centermost spike is longer than the rest and zigzags similarly to an electric bolt; this would be a motif he associates with the entirety of the Rhythm Robots as well. His purple eyes are obscured by his pink-tinted, blue-framed butterfly sunglasses, but they are serious in appearance, with prominent eyelashes.
Purge's typical outfit consists of a long-sleeved black cloak that extends below his knees, the inside of which is purple. The upper arms of this cloak are spiked, and the body brandishes a large white P (this P only comes into full view when his arms are to his sides). Purge wears shiny, pointy-toed, black boots, with purple, platformed soles. Lastly, he wears purple gloves.
In his dancing outfit, Purge casts aside his cloak, sunglasses, and gloves, and instead wears a sleeveless shirt and pants. These are both covered in large, magenta-colored mirrors, worn with the intent of disorienting his opponents. His boots are similar to his cloaked outfit, except that they are white with black soles.
Purge has an extremely playful, almost childlike, personality. It's rare for him to take anything seriously and he considers everything to be a game, including life or death situations.
He has unusually strong self-esteem, which is partially due to hubris. Purge sometimes tends to exaggerate things. This also leads to him being very smug and arrogant, and he always talks like he has the upper hand. Purge is a self-righteous and self-centered boy that views himself as a savior to the galaxy, and that he is saving the people from themselves by bending them to his will.
Purge has no understanding of love, and isn't above taking from others to get what he wants, or controlling people to fulfill his desires.
Early life[]
Purge was successful in the field of radio wave mechanics at a young age.[3] Likely from this, Purge was able to gain a sufficient amount of social and economic status in the galaxy.[5] Eventually however, he started to believe that everyone in the galaxy was stupid and unhappy and that he had to lead them to paradise. With that belief in his head, he decided that he had to make the galaxy dance for him.[5]
Space Channel 5: Part 2[]
During the opening cutscene, Purge attacks Jaguar off screen and turns him into Shadow, later, during the game's intro, he appears at the end, watching Ulala's journey through the first game. Purge is first seen in the opening intro of Space Channel 5: Part 2, watching Ulala's journey through the first game.
Report 1: Ulala Back in Action!
In the first report, Purge's shadow can be seen in the background monitors of the Kin, Kon, Kan battle. He faces off against Fuse in a singing battle as Ulala and the rescued hostages take on the robots. As an aside, depending upon on if the player saved at least one hostage or none at all and if they've made a mistake or not, Purge's and Fuse's dialogue will change significantly.
After beating Kin Kon Kan, Purge exclaims that the "party's just begun" and leaves.
Report 2: Nature's Revenge!
In the cutscene that happens between prior to Report 2, Purge takes over Moro Channel 5's broadcast to give the player information. He's taunting the fact that he kidnapped President Peace using a plant mutation ray to create Pon Piriri.
Report 3: Meet the Sexy Space Police!
Once again, he takes over Moro Channel 5' broadcast and gives a message to Ulala and Pine. He tells them that he will return all the people he's kidnapped for 6.6 trillion Space Dollars and to meet him at Point Double X.
It's later revealed that this ransom scoop was only a trap to distract everyone long enough for Purge to put his true plan into action.
Report 4: The End for Space Channel 5!?
After saving Space Michael from Shadow, Ulala heads for the core of the station where Purge appears on his Hovercraft and with the Peace Carrier to fight Ulala. Purge and the mecha fight her individually, where Purge will try to shoot at her while the Peace Carrier will fight her on a dance battle.
After the sequence happening twice, a new segment will begin where he hides behind the Peace Carrier, using the president as a human shield, the player must shoot at the opposite direction Purge says, If the they fail, they will hit the President and Purge will fire a bright pink laser similar at Ulala.
Once the segment is over, Purge will fuse his Hovercraft with the Peace Carrier to create Purge the King and a singing battle will Space Michael takes the lead as the main singer to counter Peace's forced attacks and Ulala meanwhile uses Chu and Hey to counter Purge's singing . As the battle goes on, the station starts to fall apart and more people come to your aid.
Eventually, Purge is left weak as Fuse flies into the station. Using the collective power of everyone in the Core helping Ulala, Fuse fires a shot of energy at Purge the King, but for everybody's surprise, the mecha is capable to reflect it back at Ulala, Fuse takes the hit to save her and is sent flying to his "doom". Purge takes this moment to take the satellite and leave, taunting Ulala. His Robots are seen trying to stop Ulala as she tries to escape the station before it self-destructs.
Report 5: The Spies Get Revenge!
Purge is seen again after Ulala and her friends defeat Shadow and the Shadows in the Battle of the Bands. Shadow, reverts back into Jaguar for a moment, but Purge appears and tells him that he can't change back. At that point, Purge reactivates the brainwashing signal, making Jaguar scream in pain and stay in his Shadow form. Purge then asks Ulala if she can spot the real one amongst the imposters, laughing manically.After rescuing Jaguar and finishing the report, Purge will taunt Ulala depending on her performance.
Report 6: Purge's T.V. Special
"Welcome to my very own TV Show! This antenna you gave me is working just great!"
Using the newly finished Ballistic Groove Gun, Purge fires a test run, forcing a whole arena of hostages to dance to his whim. Ulala and her group arrive and start taking on the Mass-produced Peace Carriers and Purge's Bodyguard Robots through a singing battle.
After beating the Robot, Ulala will run onto Purge's stage only to find that she and the rest of her group have been separated by an invisible wall. Purge wants to take Ulala on alone as he reveals his own Super Form: Dancing Purge.
He takes Ulala in a Solo Dance Battle with her Dance Energy slowly charging the Ballistic Groove Gun. Soon enough, Purge reveals his power source to be President Peace trapped in a dome that focuses on his energy. With Ulala, President Peace and the Audience's power free for him to use, Purge creates the Dance Dimension X and becomes Purge the Great. Ulala tries to dodge the attacks, but Purge eventually fires multiple attacks at the same time, presumably killing her, after that he fully charges the Ballistic Groove Gun.
One second before Purge launches the Ballistic Groove Gun, Ulala is brought back to life thanks to the support of everyone helping the dancer and she becomes Super Ulala. With everyone by her side, she takes on Purge the Great once more in a dance battle.
After beating Purge in this battle, she saves President Peace and starts a singing battle against Purge. After beating him, the Dance Dimension is broken and Purge retreats into the Ballistic Groove Gun, now transformed into a satellite. Fuse surprises everyone revealing that he's alive and helps focus the power of the 86,429 fans into one funkified force! Ulala tells Purge that she's had enough of his "trash TV show's." Jaguar tells him that "strength without love won't change anythin." Pudding tells Purge that "you're the one that isn't happy." Pine tells him that she's "gonna heal that sick mind of yours."
Missing the last 3 chus in the game has Fuse's antenna fail at the most critical moment as the game cuts to a black screen. Not missing though, will make Purge gets sent into deep space trapped in the Giant P seen earlier in Report 6. With the rogue defeated, the galaxy is finally at peace again.
Purge is last seen at the end of the credits. He's strutting like Ulala as he walks to the other side of the screen. When Purge leaves the screen, he will give one last command to confuse the player and keep them from getting a 200% rating.
Extra Mode
Like other members of the Rhythm Rouges that Ulala fights as bosses, Purge is given a different title in Extra Mode in the captions. In Extra mode he is called Purge Junior.
Ulala's Dance Mode
There's a battle against Purge (Cloaked suit) in Ulala's Dance Mode if Ulala is wearing the Morolian outfit. He appears by achieving 90% views and is defeated by reaching 100% views.
There are two unlockable Purge costumes: one is his Cloaked Purge outfit, which is unlocked by achieving 100% in Ulala's Dance Mode wearing the Morolian costume; the other is his Dancing Purge outfit, which is unlocked by clearing Report 6 on Extra Mode.
Ulala's Channel J[]
Purge got his own game in Ulala's Channel J, released only in Japan for the Vodaphone called "Purge's Electric Shock Punishment Show", which takes place after the events of Part 2.
In-Game Profiles[]
Space Channel 5: Part 2[]
Cloaked Purge[]
Profile Number 010
"The Leader of the Rhythm Rogues"Age: 18
"Blood type: A
"He believes that he's been given a holy mission to lead the "brutish & unhappy masses of the galaxy".
Profile Number 010
"The leader of the Rhythm Rogues."18 years old.
"Blood type: A.
"A boy genius who achieved success in field of electromagnetic robotics at a young age. Convinced by his own delusion, he believes that it’s his destiny to lead the “foolish and unhappy masses of the galaxy” to a world without worries (paradise) by forcing everyone to dance. He grew up surrounded by robots."
Profile Number 010
Profile Number 010
"Chef des Rhythm Rogues."Âge: 18 ans.
"Groupe sanguin: A.
"Il est convaincu d'avoir une mission divine: guider les 'masses abruties et malheureuses de la galaxie' vers le paradis en dansant."
Profile Number 010
"Anführer der Rhythm Rogues."Alter: 18.
"Blutgruppe: A.
"Wunderkind: Erfolge in der Elektrowellentechnik. Glaubt, die heilige Mission zu haben, die dummen und unglücklichen Massen der Galaxis durch Tanzzwang zum Glück zu führen."
Profile Number 010
"Il leader dei Rhythm Rogues."Età: 18 anni
"Gruppo sanguigno: A.
"È convinto che la sua missione sia condurre le 'ignoranti e infelici masse' della galassia verso un paradiso spensierato costringendole a ballare."
Profile Number 010
"Líder de los Rhythm Rogues."Edad 18.
"Grupo sanguíneo: A.
"Cree que su misión divina es llevar a las brutas e infelices masas de la galaxia al paraíso liberador bailando. Creció entre robots."
Dancing Purge[]
Profile Number 016
"A more stunning version of Purge, who dances with burning fury now that he's absorbed the dance energy that was sucked out of the audience."
Profile Number 016
"The beautiful form of Purge, who dances with burning fury now that he's absorbed the dance energy that was sucked out of the audience. Once he starts swinging his hips, it’s all over. It’s a signal that he’s starting to bend dimensions."
Profile Number 016
Profile Number 016
"Version plus puissante de Purge, animée d'une véritable fureur après avoir absorbé l'énergie dansante extraite du public. Vous n'avez aucune chance s'il se déhanche. Espace et temps sont inconnus."
Profile Number 016
"Bessere Version von Purge, der mit brennendem Eifer tanzt, seit er die Tanzenergie des Publikums aufgenommen hat. Wenn sein Hintern erst mal zu kreisen beginnt, bist du verloren. Zeit und Raum sind völlig verändert."
Profile Number 016
"Una versione più potente di Purge, che balla con una furia sbalorditiva dopo aver assorbito l'energia di ballo del pubblico. Quando inizia i suoi sfrenati ondeggiamenti non c'è più niente da fare."
Profile Number 016
"Versión más imponente de Purge, baila con una furia desbordante ahora que ha absorbido la energía robada al público para bailar."Quotes[]
Space Channel 5: Part 2[]
- "You saw it."
- "Where've you been?"
- "𝅘𝅥𝅮 They call me Purge!𝅘𝅥𝅮 "
- "𝅘𝅥𝅮 I'll make the galaxy dance for me!𝅘𝅥𝅮 "
- "Come on, enjoy yourselves!"
- "You're as good as they say!"
- "𝅘𝅥𝅮 Sweet, sly, sexy, that's me!𝅘𝅥𝅮 "
- "𝅘𝅥𝅮 Rockin' the galaxy with our grooves!𝅘𝅥𝅮 "
- "𝅘𝅥𝅮 You've got some moves, don't ya, sweets?𝅘𝅥𝅮 "
- "𝅘𝅥𝅮 Come on do it! I dunno about that!𝅘𝅥𝅮 "
- "𝅘𝅥𝅮 Get ready for this one!𝅘𝅥𝅮 "
- "𝅘𝅥 Time for the finale!𝅘𝅥𝅮 "
- "𝅘𝅥𝅮 I'll never give up!𝅘𝅥𝅮 "
- "Ulala, time for a fight!"
- "I swear I'll make you dance for me!"
- "You're a pretty fine dancer!"
- "I'll make you dance, dance for me!"
- "Whatchu gonna... do about this?"
- "How will you handle... something like this?"
- "Check me out!"
- "You don't stand a chance!"
- "The party's just begun!"
- "Your precious Space President, Peace... Has been captured by us, the Rhythm Rogues!"
- "I'll exchange the President AND the hostages for 6.6 trillion Space Dollars! Meet me at Point Double X!"
- "I need this Space Transmitter to complete my grand plan! Soon enough... none of you... will have a thing to worry about!"
- "I'm taking the Space Transmitter with me as a present."
- "Ah, yes, let me introduce you to a friend of mine."
- "What're you gonna do now?"
- "Time for a game! If you shoot like normal, you'll hit the President!"
- "Playing in reverse!"
- "Don't hit the President!"
- "Behold, the power of the President's croon..."
- "You're a lot tougher than I thought...but-!"
- "Yeah, right."
- "I had a relatively good time."
- "Couldn't you buy me just a little more time? You can't change back yet!"
- "Time for a game? Think you can spot the real one?"
- "I wonder how long you'll last..."
- "Not bad at all!"
- "We're gonna have fun together."
- "Let's have a look at the first feature!"
- "Welcome to my very own TV Show! This antenna you gave me is working just great!"
- "Soon, this antenna will contain enough energy to force the whole galaxy to dance!"
- "There is just no stopping it now!"
- "No, I won't be stopping!"
- "Everyone dance with me!"
- "Now dance, everybody!"
- "Where have you been?"
- "Let's dance!"
- "Time for a special guest: President Peace!"
- "Commence Dance Dimension X!"
- "Ulala, I needed your dance power, you see. Now we have all the power we need!"
- "You won't mind if I pull the plug on your little show?"
- "Ballistic Groove Gun, firing in...3...2...1!"
- "Let's sing!"
- "What's happening?! This isn't what my prompter says!"
- "Dance yourselves to hell, see if I care!"
- "See you next week!"
- "I won't forget this!"
- "Space Channel 5! Ah, uh, uh! 20th anniversary year! Anniversary year until around 2029!!! I'm looking forward to it" [6][7]
- When playing as Purge (Cloaked outfit) in Report 5, there is a glitch during the Battle of the Bands section that shows his reflection without his goggles.
- In Report 4, Purge is visually seen losing balance on his hovercraft each time the player shoots him. He is able to stay on his hovercraft due to magnetic boots. [8]
- Purge is the only male main character in the series to wear a sleeveless shirt.
- The second round with the Purge Hovercraft has Purge yell out his commands much more furiously. In the Japanese version, Purge yells out "Shoot" instead of "Chu" here. This makes Purge one of the few character to have the sound of their commands change with the situation, the others being Ulala, the Peace Carrier, Shadow, and Space Michael .
- Purge doesn't comprehend love, but he does understand sexual attraction, as shown in UGA's official documents about him where it mentions him feeling "a tiny bit aroused" when he addresses Shadow by his name for the first time.[5]
- Purge is possibly bisexual, as he sometimes flirts with Ulala and, as mentioned above, is slightly attracted to Shadow.
- This makes Purge one of the four Space Channel 5 characters who are hinted to be LGBT+ characters. The other three being Amy Amania, Cecil Aroma, and Clork.
- Out of all the villains, Purge is the one who came the closest to winning, as Ulala was brought back to life one second before he makes the whole Galaxy dance for him.
- Other than Ulala, Purge is the only character who has more than one unlockable outfit.
- Purge's Japanese voice actor, Akira Ishida, also voices Ecolo from Puyo Puyo, hence why Ecolo can be seen dressed as Purge in the collaborative Line stickers.
- The Space Channel 5 Part 2 Sugoku Sugoi Guide Book has a few pages dedicated to the storyboards for the first portion of Report 6. In the narrative of the book, these are presented as plans drawn up by Purge.
- ↑ 「スペースチャンネル 5 ウキウキ ミュージック フェスティバル オンライン」開催2周年記念(?)インタビュー。うらら&モロ星人誕生のヒミツを,2人のデザイナーが振り返る
- ↑ Purge's In-Game Profile
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 Cloaked Purge's Japanese profile.
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 Rhythm Robot (Black Walker)'s profile.
- ↑ 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 UGA's Official Diaries
- ↑ https://twitter.com/Space_Channel5/status/1338863963002433536/ Space Channel 5! Ah, uh, uh! 20th anniversary year!
- ↑ https://twitter.com/takami/status/1338864976908353544/ Purge's new lines for the first time in 20 years
- ↑ Purge Hovercraft's Japanese profile.
External Links[]
Space Channel 5 at G-rev.com (Officially UGA certified)