Moro-Channel 5, also called Moro Chan 5, is a recently founded space broadcasting channel that only appears in Space Channel 5: Part 2. As its name implies, it is a Morolian space channel. Moro-Channel 5 is one of the few known Channels in the era of Space Channel 5, but also a new Channel 5 concurrent in the race for the scoop.
Moro-Channel 5 is a somewhat mysterious channel. After the events of the Morolian Invasion, it was created in an agreement with the people of Earth to allow the Morolians to stay on Earth in their UFOs in accordance to association laws.[1] While the channel is licensed, Noize doubts the authenticity of the channel and suspects the Morolians only created it to play with Channel 5's equipment.
Moro-Channel 5 was likely named in tribute to the reporter who saved the Morolians and her Channel.
Moro-Channel 5's logo consists of a purple "Moro5", with a purple Morolian orbiting around it.
- Hoorg: The Godfather of the Morolians. He works as a news presenter and as a reporter for emergency situations. He is also considered the chief of the channel.[2]
- Morolian Eight: A pinkish-red Morolian reporter who is frequently seen in the race for the scoop since Moro-Channel 5's debut.
- Morolian Cameraman: A yellow Morolian who works as Morolian Eight's cameraman.
- Morolians: Although only three Morolians are seen in-game working for the Channel, it can be heavily assumed that most of Morolians are doing their part for Moro-Channel 5. Morolians who appear on-screen to rise the ratings of Channel 5 are probably also working for their own Morolian Channel, but help Ulala since she freed them in the first game.
Series and Shows[]
- Moro-News: A news show hosted by Hoorg. This show seems to interrupt Moro-Channel 5's other shows to give urgent news. Moro-News began to be a sort of "resistance news show" for being the only and then the last show that wasn't canceled because of the Rhythm Rogues.
- Moro-Swingin' Report Show: Just like Ulala, Morolian Eight also has a report show. Morolian Cameraman, as his name suggest, acts as their cameraman. Its name is revealed in the Space Channel 5 Part 2 Sugoku Sugoi Guide Book.[2]
- Tapioca-Maru: Both Hoorg and Morolian Eight have a pink spaceship called Tapioca-Maru, which is designed after Coco★Tapioca, the first boss from the original Space Channel 5. The Tapioca-Maru only appears in Space Channel 5: Part 2, first being piloted by Morolian Eight in the Report 3 and later being piloted by Hoorg during the intro of the Report 5.
Both Hoorg and Morolian Eight are seen holding a microphone with a pink head and purple handle.
Moro-Channel 5's antenna is shown in the sixth report from the second game, being one of the many antennas stolen by Purge to be used for the Ballistic Groove Gun.
Moro-Channel 5's antenna is shown in-game. It is purple and yellow, and the antenna in the middle greatly resembles a purple Morolian's one. No logo is seen on it.
Moro-Channel 5's HQ is never seen in-game, it is unknown what it looks like or where it is located. Moro-Channel 5 studios seems to be the most well-hidden station in the galaxy, since its antenna is the last to be stolen by Purge and the Rhythm Rogues (barring the Channel 5's antenna). However, the broadcast is constantly hijacked by them.
So far, the only location of the Moro-Channel 5's headquarters shown was the Moro News studios, a pink colored studio with a TV on the wall, a dark red chair and a dark red table with a special pink microphone with an orange head resembling a Morolian antenna.
Space Channel 5: Part 2[]
Moro-Channel 5's hosts the Moro News in cutscenes that happen between the reporters and is usually interrupted by Purge, who hijacks the news broadcasting signal to declare bits and pieces of his plan without giving it away entirely. Hoorg reports on Space President Peace visiting Space Park, the outstanding number of people being abducted throughout the galaxy (365,968), and the theft of various news station satellites.
In the cutscene before the Report 5 the Moro-News studio is shown empty, with Hoorg mysteriously absent. Eventually, the Channel's signal is once again hijacked by Purge saying that the whole Galaxy will soon dance for him.
- It is unknown what happened to Moro-Channel 5 in Space Channel 5 VR, as the Morolians were once again brainwashed and game is confirmed to take place after Space Channel 5: Part 2.
- Interestingly, the three most notorious Moro-Channel 5 employees, Hoorg, Morolian Eight and Morolian Cameraman, were all absent from the game and it is unknown if they were brainwashed by Glitter.
- According to Morolian Eight's In-Game Profile, the Moro-Channel 5's employees catchphrase is "Channel----moro-moro----Five!!".
- The Space Channel 5 Part 2 Sugoku Sugoi Guide Book reveals that: